Everything boils down to the power of information
Everyone accrues it. Some see the potential advantage in it. Some know its value. Few take advantage of it. Queue Data Analytics.
Customer behaviours, usage trends, spending patterns, margin analysis and auditing are just some of the invaluable pieces of information that you can obtain by just looking in your own backyard.
When working with both custom-built and third-party platforms – there is generally only so much effort put into reporting infrastructure – use what we have or buy a BI tool (and the staff and $$’s to support it!).
We learn your data models and work with you to answer the questions you haven’t thought of yet.
If you could ask your data a question, what would it be?
- Am I charging enough?
- What is the geographic concentration of my clients?
- What about just those that spend over a certain amount per month?
- Am I processing all my data?
- Based on the cost to onboard and support a product, is it costing me more to run it than to ditch it?
- Do certain customers appear to have a shrinking amount of billable revenue over time? (Might highlight a customer moving to another supplier over time).
Asmorphic has spent years working with hundreds of databases both bespoke and off-the-shelf products understanding data structures and reviewing existing queries to provide usable reconciled datasets to our clients.
Data analytics is one of those areas where the more effort you put into understanding and reviewing your data, the more money, directly or indirectly you make from it. It is nearly always worth the investment.
We also specialise in building solutions for bringing data into and out of your platform. By implementing ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) solutions – you can denature your source data so it neatly fits into your existing data models, meaning you don’t need to rebuild to take advantage. It’s also especially useful for the consolidation of systems (after using Services such as Constructor and Scout for supporting systems.).

Great. So I have all this data – but what do I do with it?
Being able to answer questions about how your business is running using your actual data allows you to make informed business decisions and directed marketing strategies. It allows you to understand where your revenue comes from, whether it be a particular product, service, client demographic or any number of factors.
Asmorphic can help by working with your vendors and teams to understand how your data fits together and provide this information to you using any number of methods (you can even have something built – See Constructor (Software) Development)
We can work with you to figure out the question and use our data analytics team to combine multiple data sources to get the answer.
Bringing data into your platform, whether it is usage, customer information, data sourced from external vendors or product catalogues, being able to normalise this information into a consistent format dramatically increases your ability to onboard a new product, service or integration.
It means the investment you have made in building your core platform requires little rework to accommodate new information and enables you to think outside the box and experiment without huge capital investment.
Asmorphic is very strong in extraction, translation, transformation, manipulation and ultimately the loading of external data into client platforms. We implement robust integration (See Tentacle (System Integration) conduits to automate the ingestion of data so the systems co-exist without human intervention.
Your staff get to spend time learning and managing the product (or service itself), rather than learning how to keep it running operationally.
You cannot bill what you don’t know about.
One of the bigger risks with bringing billing or usage data in from external systems is throwing data away that simply cannot be identified. This is literally putting revenue in the bin!
Asmorphic, having roots in the telecommunications and service provider industries has created solutions that allow the identification and reprocessing of usage that was unable to be billed, so at least if you aren’t going to bill something, it’s a decision, not a circumstance.
In addition, we are able to review your existing feeds and determine methods to reconcile what you have come in against what you are billed by your supplier, giving you the confidence that you are being billed correctly and billing out enough to cover your costs. Remove the guesswork with Data Analytics.
In our experience, in the early days of a custom application, adherence to golden rules like maintaining database diagrams is well adopted across the enterprise.
As businesses grow, the governance around this can become less of a priority.
This leads to many issues such as training new analysts, maintaining adequate documentation and relying on subject matter experts to explain how things work.
We can help by working through existing systems (even some third-party ones) and building relationship diagrams that can form key elements for your ‘Artifact documentation’ which is the technical blueprint of how a system or module works. Development and architecture can thrive when they can find the information themselves rather than have to source it from people or worse, reverse engineer it.
There are key performance indicators with people, but there are also key performance indicators when it comes to your data. Certain metrics and trends can highlight successful outcomes, but at the same time can shine a light on potentially dangerous patterns.
Being able to fire off notifications when certain conditions are met to the right team for the right action means you will be on the front foot not finding something catastrophic after the fact.
- Has my overall revenue dropped?
- Is there an increase in non-payment?
- Has any of my customers continued to drop revenue consistently?
- Are my sales of a particular service dramatically higher or lower?
Asmorphic can build tools but we can also integrate with other platforms (such as Elasticsearch and its stack) which already provide a suite of services as they are experts in the field.